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Adoptees and the quest to find a biological parent

by | Feb 21, 2014 | Adoption

Adoption is a wonderful way of showing love and opening a family’s heart to a parentless child. In Jefferson, Colorado, adopting a child is also a viable option for couples who want children, but are incapable of conceiving on their own. Often a mutually-beneficial act, adoption gives children a chance to grow in a loving and caring environment.

As adoptees grow older, they become aware that their adoptive parents are not their birth parents. One well known adoptee is Michaela Pereira, who works as a host for CNN. She knew from a very young age that she was adopted. She grew up wanting to know more about her biological parents and family. Michaela has stated that she got her hair, skin and eye color from her birth father, whom she has not met yet. She also said that it was a “real struggle” to find her birth parents. Unfortunately, the CNN host found her biological mother a year after the woman died from colon cancer.

On the bright side, the host was thankful because she was able to find her half-sister. Now, she encourages everyone who has been adopted to express their feelings and realize that there are many other adoptees who also wish to seek a biological parent.

It is natural for adoptees to want to seek out their birth parents since this can give them a sense of closure. Though this process can be difficult for the adoptive parent, many find it helpful and healing to allow their adopted children to seek their biological parents even if the birth parents had previously terminated their parental rights.

Here in Jefferson, people who have plans of adopting a child should first do their homework to fully understand how the system works. Once they have finalized their plans, they may speak with a legal professional who can handle the legal process, ensuring that both biological parents and adoptive parents on the same page when it comes to the child’s future.

Source: The Huffington Post, “CNN’s Michaela Pereira opens up about her adoption,” Catherine Taibi, Feb. 11, 2014
