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Wheat Ridge Adoption Attorney | Is a Jefferson County Open Adoption the Right Choice for You?

by | Feb 27, 2018 | Adoption


Whether you are preparing to place your child for adoption or looking to adopt a child into your family, open adoptions is one avenue you may want to explore in Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County. Through an open adoption, the biological parent is able to have a relationship with the adoptive parents. The best way to handle an open adoption is to set the expectations from the beginning through a written agreement. You can set the parameters on exactly how open you want the adoption to be. If the biological or adoptive parents agree (depending on who is requesting the terms), then you will be in the best position to have a successful experience.

What Should Be Addressed in a Lakewood or Mountainview Open Adoption Contract?

Basically, you can add in any provisions you see fit in a Lakewood or Mountainview open adoption contract. If you need some guidance, here are some factors to consider:

  • Which biological relatives will have access to the child?

As the biological parents, you may want the child’s grandparents or other extended family to be able to have contact as well.

As the adoptive parents, you may want to limit the contact the just the biological parents to avoid being inundated with requests the spend time with the child.

  • How much contact?

You can decide how much contact you would like the child to have with the biological parents. It can be limited to electronic communication with picture updates. Or, you could set monthly or yearly meetings for the child to physically spend time with the bio parents. You can decide where these meetings will take place – at the home or a public place.

  • Provisions for the safety of the child

Sometimes, the biological parents place their child for adoption because their life situation is not conducive to raising a child, sometimes including a substance abuse problem. You can put provisions into the open adoption contract that any contact is contingent on the biological parents maintaining sobriety

These are just some of the provisions you may want to consider when writing an open adoption contract. It’s always best to hire an experienced adoption attorney to help you draft any legal contracts, especially when it comes to your child. We have handled many of these types of cases and can guide you through preparing the best possible contract for your situation.

If you are preparing to adopt a child or placing your child for adoption, call the expert family law attorneys from the Pearman Law Firm at 303-991-7600 for a initial phone consultation.

Image Source: Pixabay-marvelmozhko
