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Wheat Ridge Divorce Lawyer | Steps to Plan for a Divorce

by | May 7, 2019 | Divorce


While no one likes to think that divorce may be in their future, it’s important to have a plan in case divorce does become your reality. Whether you are making sure your bases are covered before getting married or after – there are important things that you can do to plan ahead.

Pre-Divorce Planning Session Before Marriage: The Prenuptial Agreement

When meeting with a Golden family law attorney regarding planning for divorce before marriage, you will want to discuss where your relationship and situation is currently and where you would like to be. Once you have established your goals, then you can discuss how to get there. Most often when this conversation occurs before you take your wedding vows, this means drafting a pre-nuptial agreement. This allows you to plan ahead and take the stress and complications related to divorce and the distribution of property and assets. While there are many different situations that can make prenuptial agreements helpful, you should definitely consider it if:

  • You are more financially stable than your fiancée;
  • You own a home, stocks, or retirement fund;
  • You own a business; and/or
  • You have children from another relationship.

Pre-Divorce Planning with an Experienced Arvada Attorney After Marriage: The Postnuptial Agreement

Post-nuptial agreements cover the same issues as that of a prenup, they are just signed after the wedding. Often, married couples will have concerns about protecting their property and assets. It is usually much less contentious to handle these concerns through a postnup, while the marriage is still going well. Then, if the marriage does take a turn, you will not be trying to figure out all these issues while your relationship is contentious.

If you want to make sure you are well planned in case of a divorce, contact the Pearman Law Firm at 303-991-7600 for a initial phone consultation.

Photo by Zoriana Stakhniv on Unsplash
